As you know, i had given classess but it was not the same cause this time i had the opportunity to give a class to adolocens.
This fist time i tried to be more entusiastic that last time cause this time teens are not easy as child. Teens dont care about many times and as a teacher, we have to help them to be confidence in special learning a second language cause they want to have the attention of everybody.
In this case, i used many color papers, phrases and even gestures that helped me to get their attention. When my class started i noticed that they wanted to have classess with my classmates, i didnt know why. Even this i took the bull by its horns.
I started with a warm up which help me to give my directions and ask inf about the posters that they did. Then, i asked to make 5 sentences using pronouns and did a review.
After that i had pasted on the wall some papers with the alphabet and i asked Ss to paste the pronunciation according of what they knew. I realized that they are were singing the alphabet song in order to remind the correct pronuncation and some of then when asking why in letter B was the pronunation /vi/ insted of /bi/.
The last activity was to read a conversation. First, I asked one by one to read a piece of conversation, then i asked to listen and repeat the conversation and i asked for the correct pronuncation of But cause they were saying /but/ unstead of /b^t/. After this, they had the opportunity to practice with the person next to hi/her. At the end, i asked that one group would be Filomeno and the other group Eustaquia.
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