Fortune Telling Playing Cards

I hope you find a way of making your own origami fortune teller. It’s even a great idea for the kid’s school holidays – let them think destiny is deciding for them! 




It is an extended role-play activity which is simple to set up and fun for the students.
You will need some strips of paper.
- Draw a simple picture of a fortune teller. Elicit/pre-teach the following vocabulary: crystal ball, earring, fog/cloud, fortune teller etc. Ask students what she does. What other things can she use to tell the future (cards, palm reading, tea leaves etc)? Have you ever been to a fortune teller?
- Elicit what kind of topics you might ask about at the fortune teller (e.g. work, school, love, family, money, health etc) and write the on the board.
- Elicit some specific questions that might be asked e.g. Will I go to university? Where will I meet my future partner? How many children will I have? etc
TIP: At this level students will tend to ask yes/no questions (e.g. will I ..... ?). It is important to elicit open questions where, what, when, who which will provide more opportunity for freer speaking. - Give each student 3 strips of paper. On each paper get students to write 1 question to ask the fortune teller. Monitor to check that they are writing open questions and using the ‘will' form.
- Elicit ideas of what fortune tellers say to customers when they arrive. Then pre-teach and drill rhyme ‘cross my palm with silver and I'll tell you your future'.
- Demonstrate the activity with a strong student. Ensure that you give extended answers as the fortune teller or ask follow-up questions as the customer.
- Split the class in 2. Half are fortune tellers and half are customers. Fortune tellers sit around the room. Customers sit opposite a fortune teller and after the fortune teller says the rhyme ask the 3 questions. Set a time limit of 2 or 3 minutes.
- After 2 minutes customers rotate to a new fortune teller. After customers have spoken to all fortune tellers, feedback on what futures people were told and ask ‘Who was the best fortune teller?'. Customers and fortune tellers swap roles and repeat. Feedback again.
- A piece of paper for each student -OR- make one copy of the Handout for each student
- Scissors
- Crayons or markers
Write the following topics on the board.
Ask the students to write a fortune using going to or will for each of the topics.
Give each student a Handout (or a piece of paper). Ask the students to cut the paper into a square and follow the directions.
- Fold the paper in half, open it, and fold it in half again to make two crease marks running from corner to corner.
- Fold the corners of the paper to the center making a smaller square with four flaps.
- Turn the paper over and fold the corners to the center again making an even smaller square with four flaps.
- Turn the paper over again. Fold the paper in half along the open flap lines to create creases.
- Open the fortune teller by putting your index fingers and thumbs under the square flaps. The square flaps should come together.
Ask the students to color the top, square flaps with four different colors.
Ask the students to turn the fortune teller over and write numbers 1 - 8 on the triangular flaps.
Ask the students to raise the triangular flaps and write each of their prewritten fortunes under each number.
Ask the students to get a partner and tell each other’s fortune.
- First, ask your partner to choose a color. Spell the color while opening and closing the fortune teller for each letter.
- Next, ask your partner to choose a number. Count the number while opening and closing the fortune teller for each number.
- Finally, ask your partner to choose another number. Lift the selected flap, and read his or her fortune.
Continue with another partner.
Funny Fortune Teller

Students mystically tell funny fortunes about the past, present, and future of their classmates!
Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
Time: 30 minutes
Materials: Verb flashcards
- Put students into pairs of small groups. Give each pair/group a set of about 20 verb flashcards. Students will take turns being the "Fortune Teller"
- The Fortune Teller puts three verb cards face down in front of one of their classmates.
- The Fortune Teller slips the cards over one at a time and use the verb on the card to tell the fortune of the classmate. Depending on what you're studying, you can specify to tell the fortune for:
- Past (past/past perfect)
- Present
- Future
- "Warning/Advice" (modals such as "You should not go to McDonalds on Saturdays!" or "You might not want to eat chicken tomorrow!")
Extra Notes:
- Model the activity before the students do it! This activity works best when students know it is okay to be silly and make up funny fortunes!!
- Set the mood by showing a video clip of a fortune teller before you start the video or playing gypsy music in the background!
- Want to increase the difficulty? Mix up the tenses and tell students that the three cards must tell the past, present, and future! Or, add another pile of flashcards with nouns that the Fortune Teller must include in the fortune!
How does it reduce anxiety?
- Using humor- Coleman (1992), defended that humor in the class can help students in many aspects of learning; such as making the learning experience more enjoyable for learners as well as long term retention of information.
- Building positive relationships- Promoting social interaction using the target language increases peer bonds and builds trust between classmates. This may help to lower anxiety for future activities

Lesson 29 Predicting the Future
· What do fortunetellers do?
· Why do people go to see fortunetellers?
· Do you believe most fortunetellers are accurate?
· What methods do fortunetellers use to predict the future?
· Can a fortuneteller really see into the future?
· Have you ever had your fortune told? What did it say?
· What good things do you think will happen to you in the future?
· Are you usually more scientific or more superstitious? Why?
Read about fortunetellers.
Fortune telling is the practice of predicting the future, usually of an individual, through mystical or supernatural means. Common methods used in fortune telling include astrology, tarot card reading, crystallomancy (reading of a crystal sphere), and palmistry. Are you interested in having someone read your palm? Would you like to take your chances with tarot cards? Would you like to visit an old-fashioned Gypsy fortuneteller who looks into a crystal ball and sees everything?
There are many different forms of psychic art and different kinds of fortune telling methods. For example, palmistry is a method of interpreting the shape of the hand and the lines of the palm to determine your character and life experiences. One type of palmistry attempts to tell your future by reading the lines on the palm of your hand. Another type of palmistry tries to read the strengths and weaknesses of your personality
from the shape of your hand. Other forms of fortune telling include the observation of the wind currents and cloud formation, interpreting the damage when a hatchet is smacked into aTABLE
, reading smoke, tea leaves or coffee grinds, reading the holes or mold in cheese, and even interpreting the lines in your belly button.
A psychic is someone who claims to have paranormal or supernatural powers that he or she uses to answer your questions or make observations about you. The psychic might simply look you over and start talking, or they may use props or aids such as tarot cards, astrological charts, your palm, or pieces of jewelry or metal that have been against your skin. Readings can focus on issues of the past, present or future and are offered in various degrees of detail and complexity.
Visiting a psychic can be a lot of fun. How much of it you take seriously is up to you. However, it can be interesting to hear what someone who doesn’t know you has to say about you and about your life.Most people who take psychics seriously often don’t use them for predicting the future, but use them as an aid in expanding the way they view themselves and / or their possibilities for the future. They see fortunetellers as advice or suggestion givers, rather than actually predicting what will happen in the future.
Comprehension Questions:
1. What is fortune telling?
2. What are some common methods of fortune telling?
3. What can a gypsy fortuneteller do?
4. What is palmistry?
5. What are some other forms of fortune telling?
6. What is a psychic?
7. What props might a psychic use?
8. What kinds of issues can psychic reading focus on?
9. What is up to you when you visit a psychic?
10. What do most people who take psychics seriously often use them for?
Discussion Questions:
1. Name some things that are considered good luck in your country.
2. Name some things that are considered bad luck in your country.
3. Are you usually a lucky or unlucky person? Give an example.
4. What lucky things have happened to you recently?
5. What unlucky things have happened to you recently?
6. Do you believe in miracles? Why?
7. What is a magician? How are magicians and fortunetellers different?
8. Do you know anyone who can predict the future?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you, or anyone you know, ever seen a ghost? If so, describe the experience.
10. If you could ask a fortuneteller three questions, what would they be?
11. Do you know anyone who has been to see a fortuneteller? Who? What did the fortuneteller say?Was the prediction accurate or not?
12. How much should you pay a fortuneteller for a psychic reading?
13. How much should you pay a fortuneteller to read your palm?
14. What different lines on your palm do fortunetellers identify?
15. What is your zodiac (star) sign? (Refer to the zodiac chart below)
16. Find an English newspaper. What is your horoscope for today? Is it accurate?
17. If possible, find yesterdays newspaper. Was your horoscope accurate?
Aries |
March 21 – April 19
| Libra |
September 23 – October 23
Taurus |
April 20 – May 20
| Scorpio |
October 24 – November 21
Gemini |
May 21 – June 21
| Sagittarius |
November 22 – December 21
Cancer |
June 22 – July 22
| Capricorn |
December 22 – January 19
Leo |
July 23 – August 22
| Aquarius |
January 20 – February 18
Virgo |
August 23 – September 22
| Pisces |
February 19 – March 20
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