





ESL Career and Work Vocabulary
Promotion/Get a Promotion
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A promotion is getting a new position with the same company that pays better and includes more responsibility.
“After three years working for this company I finally got a promotion. I am now the regional manager.”
Office Politics
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The way that power and influence are used in a work place. How people act towards the boss to get the things they want.
“I don’t like working here. The only way to get a promotion is to be best friends with the boss. The office politics here are ridiculous.”
Corporate Culture:
This describes the overall attitude a specific company has towards things like work behaviors, dress, vacation time, relationships between co workers and anything else that has to do with how employees act at work.
“Everyone wants to work here. The corporate culture is great. Everyone is respectful and there isn’t a lot of stress.”
Career Ladder
A structured group of positions that one takes to move up in responsibility in a company. An example of a career ladder is starting off as a sales person, moving to assistant manager, moving up to manager of the office and then becoming the regional manager.
“Sara plans on moving up the career ladder all the way to the top.”
Job Perks or Fringe Benefits
A benefit that a certain job has that an employee enjoys. Some examples would be a free cell phone or the use of a company car.
“There are a lot of perks to working at this college. My kids get to go here at no cost and I have a free gym membership.”
Dress code
The rules set up at a company that state what an employee can and can not wear at work.
“The dress code is really strict here. We have to wear a tie and a jacket everyday.”
Team Player
An employee that does well at working with others in the company.
“John is not much of a team player. If you put him with a group of people to finish a project he will go off and sit by himself.”
To Gross
This is used to talk about how much money you make before taxes are taken out.
“Last year I grossed over one hundred thousand dollars.”
To Temp
To take a temporary position for a company. These positions don’t pay benefits and can last for just one day to a year.
“I lost my job in April and had to start temping just to pay the rent.”
Full Time
To work over 35 hours a week and to receive benefits, such as health insurance or sick days, is considered full time.
“Sam got hired as a full time employee so now he will have health coverage.”
Dead End Job
A job that offers no possibility to move up in responsibility or pay.
“This is a dead end job. I will never get promoted here.”
To Get Your Foot in the Door
This is an expression that means to take whatever position you can find with a certain company just to be involved. The hope is that you will get promoted after you prove how good of a worker you are.
“To get my foot in the door at this company I took a job in the mail room. My hope was to get into sales eventually.”
To Burn Out
To work too much to a point where you feel tired and unmotivated to do your job.
“Don’t work so many hours a day. You’re going to burn out.”
To Moonlight
To work a second job, usually at night, to make extra money.
“Many teachers have to moonlight just to pay the bills. Their pay is not enough.”
Work Vocabulary
Someone who is paid to work for someone else.
The company has several hundred employees.
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A person or organization that employs people.
Employers monitor their employees very carefully these days.
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When someone is paid to work for a company or organization.
Due to the recession, there are thousands of people looking for employment.
I was employed in the company for several years.
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Not working.
Levels of unemployment in the economy have been rapidly increasing.
He has been unemployed for 6 months now.
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To make the same journey regularly between work and home
It is taking longer for people to commute to work because of traffic problems.
Commuting to work everyday by bus is tiring.
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Formal way to say 'job'.
What is your occupation?
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Working life or a particular job during one's working life that gets better in terms of salary and position.
He is retired now but he had an amazing career ( = succesful working life).
He hopes to have a career in the army
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Any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education.
The teaching profession is not as good as it used to be because salaries have decreased.
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Salary / Wages
Money paid each month to an employee for their work.
Public sector salaries are not keeping up with inflation.
He receives a good wage because he works for a prestigious company.
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Public Sector
Businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government.
You get a good pension if you work for the public sector, but the salary is not always so good.
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Private Sector
Businesses and industries that are privately owned.
Most graduates hope to work in the private sector when they finish university as there are more opportunities and the pay is better than the public sector.
To stop working because of old age or ill health.
The retirement age in most countries is 65.
He had to retire early due to ill health.
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Working a fixed number of hours but having flexibility with start and finish times.
They have introduced flexitime at my work place so I usually start at 10am now and finish at 6pm.
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Resign / Quit
To leave a job.
He resigned from his job yesterday.
Don't quit your job unless you have another one to start.
Fire / Sack /
To remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
He was fired / sacked / dismissed because he was late for work every day.
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A job position that is not filled and so is available.
I spoke to the company and they said they had several vacancies.
Working more than your contracted hours.
The employees often work overtime but they are not given extra money so it is not fair.
The time worked in a job that is not normal hours.
She is a nurse so she has to work in shifts. One week she does the morning shift, and then the next week she will do the night shift.
Shift work can be very tiring.
IMPORTANT LINK http://www.saberingles.com.ar/lists/work.html
Other places you can work
I work…
… in a factory
… in a school
… in a hospital
… in an office block (a building where there are only offices)
… on a farm
… on a building site (where you are building houses or office blocks)
… from home ("I work from home" = you have an office in your house)
… in a school
… in a hospital
… in an office block (a building where there are only offices)
… on a farm
… on a building site (where you are building houses or office blocks)
… from home ("I work from home" = you have an office in your house)
Remember: when you say your job, use 'a' or 'an'.
"He's a barman."
"He's an actor."
"He's an actor."
You can also say "I work as a doctor / as an actor etc".
Talking about the type of job
If you don't know the title of your job, you can talk about your industry or type of job.
For example, "I work in … (industry / type of job)
Some typical industries:
publishing (creating books)
education (teaching)
construction (building houses)
engineering (wide range, from building bridges to electronics)
manufacturing (making things)
banking (working in a bank)
finance (money, investments)
retail (shops, etc)
healthcare (doctors, etc)
leisure (sports centres, etc)
education (teaching)
construction (building houses)
engineering (wide range, from building bridges to electronics)
manufacturing (making things)
banking (working in a bank)
finance (money, investments)
retail (shops, etc)
healthcare (doctors, etc)
leisure (sports centres, etc)
For example:
Sonia works in finance.
He works in publishing.
He works in publishing.
Some typical types of job
For example:
I'd like to work in IT.
His dream is to work in management.
His dream is to work in management.
Talking about the relationships at work
"I work for … (a person)."
"My boss / manager is …"
"My boss / manager is …"
The people you work with are your colleagues (or "co-workers").
"We work in the …. department."
Your employer is the person (or company) who gave you the job. The person or people who work for the employer are the employees. (The word stress is on the final syllable: em – ploy – ee.)
You can work in a team (with other people) or on your own.
"I work on my own in a small office."
"I work on my own in a small office."
Talking about how you work
full-time (for example, 5 days a week, from 9 to 5)
part-time (for example, 2 days a week, or mornings / afternoons only)
flexi-time (for example, from 10 – 6)
in shifts (for example, only the morning, afternoon, evening or night)
part-time (for example, 2 days a week, or mornings / afternoons only)
flexi-time (for example, from 10 – 6)
in shifts (for example, only the morning, afternoon, evening or night)
Talking about your responsibilities at work
I look after the paperwork / the logistics
I take care of patients / animals / the marketing
I am responsible for sales / processing payments
I take care of patients / animals / the marketing
I am responsible for sales / processing payments
I have to be …(+ adjective)
… patient
… hard-working
… good with people
… flexible
… hard-working
… good with people
… flexible
I have to have … (+ noun)
… good attention to detail
… good communication skills
… good communication skills
I have to be … (+ type of person)
… a team-worker
… a leader
… a problem-solver
… a leader
… a problem-solver
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job Application (66 Words)
- address
- age
- apply
- area code
- birthday
- certification
- children
- citizenship
- city
- college
- country
- criminal record
- date
- date of birth
- dependents
- diploma
- divorced
- education
- educational background
- elementary school
- employee
- employer
- experience
- family name
- felony record
- female
- fired
- first name
- gender
- graduate school
- handicap
- hearing
- height
- high school
- husband's name
- junior college
- junior high school
- last name
- male
- marital status
- married
- middle name
- name
- next of kin
- notify
- occupation
- phone number
- physical examination
- position
- present address
- previous experience
- quit
- reason for leaving
- relatives
- salary
- separated
- single
- skills
- social security number
- state
- street
- telephone number
- vision
- weight
- wife's name
- zip code
LINK: http://www.manythings.org/vocabulary/lists/z/words.php?f=job_application
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